Ms. Yasmeen Lasri

7th Year Medical Student

Mohammed VI University of Health Sciences

Circle of blue halftone dots

About Ms. Yasmeen Lasri

North Africa sub-regional representative of the CIDMEF student committee, 7th year medical student at the Mohammed VI University of Health Sciences. President IFMSA-Morocco.

Speaking at...
Student mobility: a Francophone lever for forging professional identity and contributing to health equity
Comité Étudiant de la Conférence Internationale des Doyens et des facultés de Médecine d’Expression Française (CIDMEF)) Session
April 12, 2024 10:00 –
11:30 PDT
Dr. Ahmed Maherzi, Dr. Gilbert Vicente, Dr. Jean-Luc Dumas, Mr. Antoine Mouawad, Mr. Brandon Noyon, Mr. Camil Bourhila, Mr. Jérôme Landrieu, Mr. Kaiyu Liu, Mr. Smith Emilio Mossadikou, Ms. Adèle Bichaoui, Ms. Bao Chàu Le, Ms. Ludjie Love Merilan, Ms. Mariem Maaref, Ms. Sophie Marcoux, Ms. Yasmeen Lasri

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