Dr. Roger Strasser


University of Waikato, New Zealand

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About Dr. Roger Strasser

Roger Strasser is a leader in the global reform of health professional education. Recognizing the importance of context and community in medical education and research, Professor Strasser has gained an international reputation for developing and refining novel strategies to educate health professionals in and for rural communities. As a result of his formative work in this field, Professor Strasser has become one of the world’s foremost authorities in rural, socially accountable medical education, as well as a sought-after speaker and advisor.

Speaking at...
Towards a Global Consensus on Medical School Accreditation Standards for Better Health
Social Accountability Standing Committee (ISAASC) Session
April 13, 2024 10:00 –
11:30 PDT
Dr. Cynthia Whitehead, Dr. David Marsh, Dr. David Rojas, Dr. Erin Cameron, Dr. Lisa Graves, Dr. Maxwell Kennel, Dr. Mohammed Elhassan Abdalla Elsayed, Dr. Robert Woollard, Dr. Roger Strasser, Dr. Roghayeh Gandomkar, Dr. Sean Tackett, Mr. Nicholas Torres

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