Dr. Nicole Redvers

Western Research Chair & Director of Indigenous Planetary Health

Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry at Western University

About Dr. Nicole Redvers

Dr. Nicole Redvers, ND, MPH, is a member of the Deninu K’ue First Nation (Northwest Territories, Canada), and is an Associate Professor, Western Research Chair, and Director of Indigenous Planetary Health at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry at the University of Western Ontario. Dr. Redvers has had previous appointments in both the Department of Family & Community Medicine and the Department of Indigenous Health at the University of North Dakota where she helped co-develop the first Indigenous Health PhD degree program in North America. She has been actively involved at regional, national, and international levels promoting the inclusion of Indigenous perspectives in both human and planetary health research and practice. Dr. Redvers sits on the Canada Research Coordinating Committees’ Indigenous Leadership Circle in Research, is a commissioner on the Lancet Commission on Arctic Health, sits on the steering committee for the Planetary Health Alliance based out of Harvard, and sits on the Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada Task Force on the Effects of Climate Change on Health. Her scholarly work engages a breadth of scholarly projects attempting to bridge gaps between Indigenous and Western ways of knowing as it pertains to individual, community and planetary health. Dr. Redvers is the author of the trade paperback book titled, ‘The Science of the Sacred: Bridging Global Indigenous Medicine Systems and Modern Scientific Principles’.

Speaking at...
Plenary: Planetary Health | Academic Health Institution’s Declaration on Planetary Health Event
Academic Health Institution’s Declaration on Planetary Health Event
April 15, 2023
April 15, 2023 16:30 –
17:30 PDT
Dr. Bruno Marchand, Dr. Luc Boileau, Dr. Maria Neira, Dr. Nicole Redvers, Dr. Theresa Tam, Ms. Kosha Gala

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