Dr. Linda Snell


McGill University

Blue topographic lines in circle.

About Dr. Linda Snell

Linda Snell MD MHPE FRCPC is Professor of Medicine & Health Sciences Education at McGill University in Montreal Canada, and Senior Clinician Educator at the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. She has served in numerous education and clinical leadership roles at all levels of medical training at McGill, the RCPSC, nationally and internationally. She co-authored the CanMEDS 2015 Professional Role and co-edited the CanMEDS 2015 competency framework. Along with 3 colleagues, she produces a weekly medical education journal club, the PAPERs podcast (‘Professionals and Academics Parsing Education Research’). Clinically, Dr. Snell is a consultant in general internal medicine.

Speaking at...
CanMEDS Town Hall at ICAM
April 12, 2024 10:00 –
11:00 PDT
Dr. Anna Karwowska, Dr. Damon Dagnone, Dr. Kannin Osei-Tutu, Dr. Linda Snell, Dr. Lisa Richardson, Dr. Nancy Fowler, Dr. Saleem Razack, Dr. Thomas Maniatis
CMEJ Top Article Session
April 14, 2024 10:00 –
11:00 PDT
Dr. Ayelet Kuper, Dr. Linda Snell, Dr. Natasha Barone

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