Dr. David Giuliano

Patient Partner

The Very Reverend

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About Dr. David Giuliano

David Giuliano is a Spiritual Guide, Writer and Speaker. David is an award-winning writer of fiction and nonfiction books, essays, and poems. The Undertaking of Billy Buffone is David’s first novel. His collection of essays – Postcards from the Valley: Encounters with Fear, Faith and God – was a Canadian Best Seller. It’s Good to Be Here: Stories we tell about cancer, is a spiritual memoir about his 20-year journey with cancer, to which he brings fierce honesty and humour in a conversation about the metaphysics of medicine and the power of story to heal. David has also published two illustrated children’s books: The Alligator in Naomi’s Pillow and Jeremiah and the Letter e. David was ordained as a minister in The United Church of Canada. He holds three Master’s degrees, in Divinity, Theology and Science. He also has diplomas in Expressive Arts Therapy and in Spiritual Direction. He received an Honorary Doctorate from Huntington University at Laurentian in Sudbury, Ontario. David was the 39 Moderator of The United Church of Canada.

Speaking at...
Plenary: Generalism | In Service To Our Communities And Populations: Generalism and Whole Person Care
In Service To Our Communities And Populations: Generalism and Whole Person Care
April 16, 2023
April 16, 2023 08:00 –
09:00 PDT
Dr. David Giuliano, Dr. Jeffrey Turnbull, Dr. Sarah Newbery

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