Shaping the Future: A Live Panel on Disability Inclusion in Canadian Medical Education

Docs with Disabilities Podcast - Panel 2

April 15, 2024

10:00 -

11:30 PDT

Room: Hyatt, Plaza A/B
Open Session

All ICAM delegates are welcome to attend.

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Join us for an illuminating live recording of the “Docs with Disabilities” podcast as we explore the vital topic of disability inclusion in Canadian medical education. This panel discussion promises a comprehensive review of research findings, an exploration of future goals, and a look at the potential positive impact on improving patient care.

The conversation kicks off with an insightful discussion on why it is imperative to consider disability as a central aspect of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) efforts. Our panelists will delve into the expansive reach of disability, spanning across multiple marginalized identities and lived experiences. Through engaging dialogue, we will address the evolution of disability inclusion in medical education in Canada, shedding light on significant developments and research findings.

The discussion will not only highlight the current “state of affairs” but also envision a “reimagined” future for inclusive medical education in Canada. Panelists will share their perspectives on what they hope to see in terms of advancements in medical education, patient care, and ongoing diversity initiatives.

To ensure an interactive and engaging experience, the session will conclude with a Q&A session with the audience. We invite questions from the audience and encourage a dynamic exchange of ideas and insights.

Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of a crucial conversation that aims to shape the future of medical education in Canada by placing disability inclusion at its core. Tune in to the upcoming episode of the “Docs with Disabilities” podcast and join us in envisioning a more inclusive, diverse, and equitable future for all.

Circle of blue halftone dots
Dr. Quinten Clarke
Resident Physician
University of British Columbia
Yellow topographic lines in circle.
Dr. Jerry M. Maniate
Associate Professor
University of Ottawa
Red topographic lines in circle.
Dr. Lynn Ashdown
Patient Partner - Lead Advisor
Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada (AFMC)
Red topographic lines in circle.
Dr. Lisa Meeks
Associate Professor
University of Michigan Medical School

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