Medical Education

Plenary: Generalism | In Service To Our Communities And Populations: Generalism and Whole Person Care

In Service To Our Communities And Populations: Generalism and Whole Person Care

Accredited Session

April 16, 2023

8:00 -

09:00 PDT

Room: 2000ABC
Open Session

All ICAM delegates are welcome to attend.

Hybrid Session

All registered delegates will be provided access to our virtual portal closer to ICAM, enabling them to watch our accredited sessions in person or virtually.

More Details...

Generalism is a philosophy of care distinguished by a commitment to the breadth of practice within each discipline and collaboration with the larger health care team in order to respond to patient and community needs.

At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 

  1. Define how generalism supports their responsibility to address the needs of their communities
  2. Explore the complimentary roles of generalism and specialization in clinical practice and medical education
  3. Describe how generalism is a conceptual framework rooted in Whole Person Care and Social Accountability, that can apply to any clinical or training context
Red topographic lines in circle.
Dr. David Giuliano
Patient Partner
The Very Reverend
Circle of blue halftone dots
Dr. Jeffrey Turnbull
Dr. Jeffrey Turnbull
Ottawa Inner City Health
Circle of yellow halftone dots
Dr. Sarah Newbery
Dr. Sarah Newbery
NOSM University

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