April 13, 2024
13:00 -
14:00 PDT
All ICAM delegates are welcome to attend.
2023 was the hottest year on record. We are seeing the impact of climate change on our wellbeing, our security and our environment.
At the international level, leadership is failing us. The fossil fuel industry is dominating conversations and we saw this at the most recent UN’s conference of the parties (COP). But on the local scale, the revolution is happening.
Renewable energy is now the cheapest forms of electricity and communities and municipalities are putting in the work to get off of fossil fuels. Community-centered climate solutions are here and accessible.
We all need to come together to change the way for the sake of our planetary health but it’s not so daunting if we look to what’s already happening on the ground. Hear from Severn what we need to do.
At the end of this session, participants will:
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