Une Initiative De L'

The struggling medical student: Insights from lived experience research

Symposium John Ruedy

13 avril 2024

15:00 -

16:30 PDT

Salle: Hyatt, Niveau Plaza (2ème étage), Plaza A/B
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Le prix John Ruedy de l'AFMC pour l'excellence dans l'enseignement supérieur des professions de santé récompense les apprenants pour leur potentiel scientifique dans le domaine de l'enseignement des professions de santé. Le lauréat du prix John Ruedy présentera son travail innovant au public du CIMU lors du symposium John Ruedy.

Academic underperformance and struggle are critical issues in undergraduate medical education. Three questions will be explored in this session: 1) What is academic struggle? 2) How is it experienced? and 3) What does it do? Using a phenomenological approach and concepts from philosophy, the presenter demonstrates how attending to the lived experience of struggling medical students can challenge our current understandings of remediation and improve the way learners are supported through their challenges.

Au terme de cette séance, les participants seront en mesure :

  1. Identify gaps within the research literature on academic struggle in medical education and evaluate the consequences of these gaps in knowledge;
  2. Assess what insights a phenomenological study can bring to current understandings of academic struggle in medical education;
  3. Recognize the susceptibility of struggling medical students to moral harms such as epistemic injustice.
Dre. Victoria Luong
Associée de recherche et doctorante interdisciplinaire
Université Dalhousie

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