About ICAM

United today for a healthier tomorrow.

The International Congress on Academic Medicine (ICAM), will be a congress that is unparalleled in scope and reputation in Canada, providing unique opportunities for networking and sharing of scholarly work in medical education along the continuum and across academic medicine.

Academic medicine at its finest.

Who is the AFMC?

Founded in 1943, the Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada (AFMC) represents Canada’s 17 faculties of medicine and is the voice of academic medicine in the country. AFMC has been convening yearly since at least 1943. The importance of meeting to advance the collective agenda of academic medicine has always been a core purpose of the association. ICAM is the extension of this long standing tradition.

Event Details
Québec City Convention Centre

1000, boul. René-Lévesque East
Québec (Québec) G1R 5T8

Since 1996, the Québec City Convention Centre has hosted over 2,000 events. Nestled atop Parliament Hill, the convention centre is steps from Old Québec and is conveniently connected to ICAM hotel partners, Québec Hilton, and the Québec Delta.

Discover Québec City

The inaugural International Congress on Academic Medicine (ICAM) will be held in Québec City, Canada from April 13th to 18th, 2023 for both in-person and virtual options.

There’s no place like it in North America! It’s the best destination to soak up the lively French Canadian Culture, a unique culture in North America.


Creating Spaces

April 13th – 14th, 2023
Canadian Association for Health Humanities Logo

Creating Space is the annual conference of the Canadian Association of Health Humanities (CAHH). It brings together scholars, teachers, clinicians, artists, and students.

Creating Space attracts presenters from across Canada and around the world, including speakers and participants from the many fields that make up Health and Medical Humanities. Founded in 2010, it is designed to be highly interactive and interdisciplinary.

Creating Space is happening alongside ICAM in the Québec City Congress Center. Please register separately on their website. Registration to ICAM does not include Creating Space registration.

To learn more about Creating Spaces head to their website.

The Patient Voice

We are proud that 2023 ICAM will be Patients Included.

This means that we are “committed to incorporating the experience of patients as experts in living with their condition while ensuring that they are neither excluded nor exploited.” For more information on the Patients Included charter, please visit their website.

Patients Included status recognizes that the event has satisfied all five criteria as identified in the Patients Included charter.

Black woman in white coat sitting in a chair in a crowd, asking a question to the speaker out of the image.
Vintage sketch of the skeletal ribcage.
Red circle
Vintage sketch of a heart with lettered labels.
Black topographic lines in circle.

ICAM Carbon Footprint Initiative

The International Congress on Academic Medicine (ICAM) is dedicated to reducing the carbon footprint and environmental impact resulting from the ICAM GHG emissions.

ICAM is making a $10,000 contribution towards the reduction of carbon emissions. Help offset your emissions today.

Learn more about the carbon footprint initiative below:

Working in collaboration with the Université Laval, the Québec City Convention Centre, and the Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care, we are committed to making sustainable choices today to create a renewable tomorrow.

Sustainable development is in the Québec City Convention Centre’s DNA. Their commitment is reflected in the concrete steps taken to reduce the environmental impact of all the events held there and to ensure sustainable operations and eco-friendly food service.